Monday, May 7, 2012

Week Recap (April 30th to May 6th)

Week Summary:

MON - 6.25 miles solo
TUES - 8.25 miles solo (w/strides)
WED - 10 miles with Dowd crew. It was humid and it was faster-than-usual. For some reason, Monica talked me into 2 more mile @ the end. I hate the stupid sun already. group for crummy conditions.(+ little bit o' core)
THUR - 7 miles with Monica. (+ core)
FRI - 7 miles with Linz, Jason, Paul, and Anna. Great run, less than great finish. Lost car key. Beyond grateful for Anna and Jason helping me hunt for the key, and for Linz helping AND giving me a ride to my wife's school.
SAT - Home with kids all day. Free Comic Book Day. Standing in line for 3+ hours did not help with rest/hydration.
SUN - 12 miles with a 4 mile tempo-ish push (7:09 average) in middle.Legs felt good....lungs and stomach felt like junk.

On the Run Quote of the Week: Since this is this first installment of this feature, I'm going back a few weeks.

"...and seriously, fat ghosts just get ignored by everyone." (with Nicole Creech)

Runner-up: Most of the stuff Nicole says @ 5:30am that I can't quite repeat here.

General Thoughts from the Week:

Right foot feels great when it is not feeling terrible. PF and heel pain comes and goes. Need to stick with sleep splint. Feel glad to plow through a 6 day week and have legs feeling pretty good, feeling less than glad to have the Sunday run feel like such a fight with the miles so close to goal marathon pace.

Goal of 6 days this week...DONE. Goal of 3 x Core and 2 x strides....was missed, with only 1.5 x core and 1 x strides.

Baby Animal Picture of the Week:

This sums up why I love This is what a baby aardvark looks like. Who knew they were f^&@ing adorable? Well, you do now.